FIPPA for the Public

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) gives people the right to access information in records that are held by public bodies. With certain exceptions, you may see and obtain copies of records from Manitoba government departments, government agencies, local governments, school divisions, universities and colleges, regional health authorities and other local public bodies.

FIPPA also protects your personal information. It establishes rules on how public bodies should collect, use and disclose personal information. It gives you the right to access your own personal information and to correct any information that public bodies hold about you.

If you are not satisfied with a public body's access decision or the way they protect your personal information, FIPPA gives you the right to an independent review.

FIPPA does not apply to private sector businesses, non-profit organizations or professional organizations.

These organizations may be governed by The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada). Federal government departments, agencies and Crown corporations may be covered by the federal Access to Information Act and Privacy Act.

For more information about federal legislation, contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.